Danmarks Forskningsportal
Om Portalen

Nationale Portaler

NORA videndeler og samarbejder med beslægtede nationale infrastrukturer og portaler.

Antallet stiger, pt. er vi dialog med:

Research.fi – Information on research in Finland: Publications, People, Projects, Research data, Funding, Infrastructures, Organisations.

French Open Science Monitor – Measure the evolution of open science in France using reliable, open and controlled data.

OKB (Open Knowledge Base) project to build a national and openly available research information system.

NIB (Nasjonal infrastruktur for bibliometri) og NVA (Nasjonalt vitenarkiv), der i 2023 overtager data og opgaver fra det nuværende Cristin (Current Research Information System in Norway).


PTCRIS – a program that aims to promote the integration of the science management systems of the various entities that operate in the academic-scientific ecosystem, in order to comply with the principle “Register once, reuse multiple”.

International Udvikling

Endvidere følger vi den internationale udvikling og dens samarbejdspotentialer gennem:

eurocris.org – ‘International association for research information’, hvor vi indgår i CRISCROS (the National/Regional Research Portals Working Group)

openaire.eu– ‘A non-profit partnership to ensure an open scholarly communication infrastructure’

vivo.lyrasis.org – ‘The open source software and ontology for recording, editing, searching, browsing, and visualizing scholarly activity’

Og drager stor nytte af disse åbne informationstjenester:

ourresearch.org – ‘Tools that make research more open’, hvor vi særligt bruger Unpaywall

sherpa.ac.uk – ‘Open Access compliance and Transitional Agreement look-up tools’

doaj.org – ‘Directory of Open Access Journals’, hvor vi indgår i Advisory Board