VELUX FONDEN was founded in 1981
Chair: Lykke Kann Ogstrup Lunde
VELUX FONDEN is a philanthropic foundation that aims for a democratic and sustainable society on an enlightened and inclusive basis.
In 2023 the foundation granted 231 MDKK in total: Humanities and social science research and culture (88 MDKK); Social projects (51 MDKK); Conservation of the ocean (50 MDKK); Transitions and changes during the adult life (31 MDKK).
Funder Name Variants
List of VELUX FONDEN name variants used in Research Portal Denmark
Early 2025 The Grants Database will contain a subset of grants from VELUX FONDEN – mainly research grants. The earliest grants will be from 2016.
Search and explore Danish Grants awarded from 2016 in the Grants Database
Resulting publications
See a list of publications acknowledging VELUX FOUNDATION in the publication database, Global Data
For more information about Grants from VELUX FONDEN contact:
Henrik Tronier
Head of Programme