Official Launch of Research Portal Denmark
Research Portal Denmark was officially launched at a conference 21. March 2024. In addition to presentation and launch of the portal, the conference explored broader trends within the themes of research information, infrastructures, evaluations, and assessments – with a particular focus on open data, systems, and initiatives, nationally as well as internationally.
Research Portal Denmark is an open national research infrastructure, dedicated to collecting and organizing data on Danish research, as well as building public user services and databases that facilitate the discovery and exploration of Danish research. Research Portal Denmark is produced by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science by NORA – National Open Research Analytics.

Program & Presenters
The final program for the launch conference can be found here.
The presentations of Research Portal Denmark, in the order they were presented:

Annemarie Falktoft
Vicedirektør i Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen
Bio: Annemarie Falktoft assumed the position of Deputy DG at the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science in 2022, following a career at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science since 2008, where she served as Head of Department for Science and Innovation from 2018.
Ms. Falktoft holds a master’s degree in European Literature from the University of Cambridge and another in literature from the University of Copenhagen.

Vinciane Gaillard
Deputy Director for Research and Innovation, European University Association
Presentation: Advancing open science and research assessment
Bio: Vinciane is Deputy Director for Research and Innovation at EUA. She is responsible for EUA’s comprehensive approach to the transition to Open Science. As such, Vinciane oversees the Association’s work to help its members transition to Open Science, contribute to the development of national, European and institutional policies conducive to the mainstreaming of Open Science and encourage universities to play a proactive role in the regulatory and financial frameworks shaping this process. Prior to joining EUA in 2019, Vinciane worked as a scientist and then as research manager in the field of cognitive psychology/neurosciences for more than fifteen years. She holds a doctorate in Psychology from the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
Credits to the photographer Aude Vanlathem

Laetitia Bracco
Project Leader, French Open Science Monitor Data & Software, Université de Lorraine
Presentations: Towards common principles for monitoring open science, French Open Science Monitor
Bio: Laetitia Bracco is a curator in the Research Support Mission of the Université de Lorraine libraries. She is in charge of the “ADOC Lorraine” data workshop, the support service for research data, as well as the Bibliometrics unit. At the national level, she leads the research data working group of the Couperin consortium. She is also project leader for the French Open Science Monitor on research data and software codes. At the international level, she is a member of the SPARC Europe board and of the Open Science Programme Reviewers’ Pool of Swissuniversities.

Nees Jan van Eck
Senior Researcher and Head of Data Science at CWTS, Leiden University
Presentations: Open Research Information, CWTS Leiden Ranking Open Edition
Bio: Nees Jan van Eck is senior researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University in the Netherlands. He is also a coordinator of the Information & Openness focal area of CWTS and head of data science of CWTS, making him responsible for the entire data infrastructure of the center.
Nees Jan’s work focusses on studying and developing infrastructures, algorithms, and tools to support research assessment, science policy, and scholarly communication. Nees Jan is developer of VOSviewer, a widely used tool to analyze and visualize bibliometric data. More than 25,000 publications have appeared in international scientific journals in which the software is employed. Nees Jan is architect of the CWTS Leiden Ranking, a bibliometric ranking of major universities worldwide.
Nees Jan has published more than 80 publications. He is editor brief communications of the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, he serves in the editorial boards of Journal of Data and Information Science, Scientometrics, and Quantitative Science Studies, and he served as an elected board member of the International Society for Informetrics and Scientometrics between 2015 and 2023.

Jason Priem
CEO and Co-founder at OurResearch
Presentation: Open Alex
Bio: As a PhD student, Jason led the creation of the field of altmetrics–coining the term, authoring the Altmetrics Manifesto, and leading the first altmetrics workshops. In 2013 Jason co-founded OurResearch (then ImpactStory), a nonprofit building open software to promote the growth of open science. Since then Our Research has received funding from the US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and others. Jason’s latest project with OurResearch is OpenAlex, a free and comprehensive index of scholarly papers, authors, institutions, and more.

Søren Serritzlew
Chairman of Independent Research Fund Denmark, Professor at Aarhus University
Presentation: DFF – De nye paradigmer for forskningsevaluering
Bio: Søren Serritzlew is an internationally renowned professor of political science from the Department of Political Science at Aarhus University and has previously been appointed to Independent Research Fund Denmark’s academic research council DFF | Social Sciences for a 6-year period (2018-2023), three of which he was chairman (2019-2021). During this time, he was also appointed chairman of the group of chairs from the five research councils.
Søren Serritzlew is internationally recognised with an interdisciplinary research profile, researching public administration and bureaucracy as well as the relationship between state and municipalities.

Marianne Gauffriau
Research Support, IT Universitetet København
Presentation: FORAN
Bio: Marianne Gauffriau is member of Research Portal Denmark’s Advisory Board. She works as Research Adviser at IT University of Copenhagen and is specialized in external funding for basic research. She is an expert in responsible research assessment and in bibliometrics. From 2005 and onwards she has published influential papers on bibliometric counting methods and serves as reviewer for scientometric journals and conferences. In 2021 she joined the INORMS Research Evaluation Group. The group has developed ‘SCOPE – a five-stage model for evaluating responsibly’ and ‘More Than Our Rank’, which is an alternative or supplement to global university rankings. Since 2006, Marianne has worked in research support and administration at universities, university libraries, and at a research funder in Danmark. She holds a Master in Library and Information Science and a Professional Master in Evaluation. See also Marianne’s ORCID profile:

Jens Storm
Kontorchef i Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelse
Presentation: Databeredskab på forsknings og innovationsområdet
Bio: Jens Storm assumed the position of Head of Office for Analysis and Data at the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science in 2020. Since 2009, Jens has held similar leading positions in the Danish Agency in the area of statistics, analysis and data – initially focusing the education aspects. His career at the Ministry and its Agency started in 2001.
Jens Storm holds a master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Aarhus and another in Applied Statistics from the University of Southern Denmark.

Karen Hytteballe Ibanez
Lead Analyst at NORA
Presentation: NORA Next Steps
Bio: Karen is the Lead Analyst in the NORA team, drawing on her extensive knowledge of- and experience with research analytics, bibliometrics, data analyses, visualization and system development – often in an Open Science context. Karen has been involved in a number of projects exploring the various aspects of research analytics in a national context, and has been coordinating the development and operation of the National Open Access Indicator since 2017.
P1: The SCOPE Framework – A five-stage process for evaluating research responsibly – pdf
Marianne Gauffriau, IT University Copenhagen
P2: DeiC Dataverse – A National Danish Trusted Repository for Research Data – pdf
Falco Hüser, The Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen University Library
René Belsø, Danish e-infrastructure Consortium
P3: What is counted can be rewarded: the OADO indicator – pdf
Evgenios Vlachos, University of Southern Denmark
P4: Should I go to this conference? – pdf
Thea Drachen, University of Southern Denmark
P5: The Danish National Archives’ research service
Steen Andersen, Rigsarkivet
P6: Aalborg University Research Indicator: a new framework for applying classic bibliometrics and open science indicators in research evaluations – pdf
Kathrine Bjerg Bennike and Poul Meier Melchiorsen, Aalborg University
P7: Analyzing Research Trends: Vector Embedding Methods for Dynamic Data Analysis – pdf
Pedro Parraguez, Dataverz
P8: Public nEUro: a european platform to share neuroimaging datasets publicly – pdf
Cyril Pernet, Neurobiology Research Unit, Rigshospitalet
P9: Russia Research Reviewed – text mining abstracts from journal articles from Research Portal Denmark – pdf
Max Odsbjerg Pedersen, The Royal Danish Library
P10: Is all data the same? Safeguarding Research Integrity in the Era of Open Science – pdf
Anja Edmeades, Clarivate
P11: DaSSCo – Danish System of Scientific Collections – pdf
Kim Steenstrup Pedersen, Nikolaj Scharff, Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Københavns Universitet
P12: New Research based collaboration platform – pdf
Alfred Birkegaard & Tobias Augustanborg, Thirdroom
P13: Bridging data gaps in a Research Information Management System with OpenAlex – pdf
Søren Vidmar, Aalborg University Library
P14: Uses Cases i Danmarks Forskningsportal – hvem og hvordan bruges portalen? – pdf
P15: Danmarks Forskningsportal – kan min institution levere data til portalen? – pdf
P16: Danmarks Forskningsportal – ny prototype; danske fonde og bevillinger – pdf
P17: Research Portal Denmark – IT Infrastructure – pdf
- Parking
See where to park here
- Contact
All questions concerning the conference should be sent to
- When?
Thursday 21. March 2024 from10-17
We open for registration, coffee and networking already at 9:00, so do come early
- Where?
Ovnhallen, CBS
Porcelænshaven 20
2000 Frederiksberg