The mission of the Research Portal Denmark is to enable robust and open discovery, exploration, and analysis of Danish research – from input, to output, and impact.
This involves:
- Building a data infrastructure collecting and aligning the best data available, from local, national, and global sources
- Building analytical and discovery platforms on top of these databases using high-quality and high-integrity tools and concepts
- Keeping the infrastructure open and transparent regarding data, software, and concepts
- Collaborating closely with the stakeholders of the Danish research landscape
- Building and stimulating collaboration fora – nationally as well as internationally.
Data Infrastructure

To build the data infrastructure step by step in continuous dialog with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and its Advisory Board.
To collect, align, and interlink the best data available, from local, national, and global sources.
To keep the data infrastructure as open as possible with the widest potential for reuse by the stakeholders of the Danish research landscape
To collaborate closely with Danish stakeholders as well as with international infrastructures and projects sharing the same vision.
User Services
To build a national portal offering discovery services, overviews, insights, and analytics of Danish research:
- With search facilities – catering for the standard user as well as the expert.
- With analytical overviews providing in-depth analyses of topics of national interest
- With links from the analytical overviews to the search facilities to support transparency and further scrutiny of the underlying data.
- With a maximum of openness: Open Data (when possible), Open Source software, Open Documentation, and Open Access