Mogens Sandfaer
Head of NORA
In the early 90ties, Mogens worked at CERN developing databases and systems for the Scientific Information Service. The experience of working with the emerging WWW and CERN preprint service led to the establishment and leadership of the Nordic Networking Center promoting digitization and internetworking in the region. At the Technical University of Denmark, Mogens has been university librarian before focusing on research analytics, research data management and Open Science. -

Karen Hytteballe Ibanez
Lead Analyst
Karen is the Lead Analyst in the NORA team, drawing on her extensive knowledge of- and experience with research analytics, bibliometrics, data analyses, visualization and system development – often in an Open Science context. Karen has been involved in a number of projects exploring the various aspects of research analytics in a national context, and has been coordinating the development and operation of the National Open Access Indicator since 2017. -

Nikoline Dohm Lauridsen
Senior Analyst
Nikoline is part of NORA team working as a Senior Analyst where her knowledge within different areas and aspects of research performance and assessment is being set into action. Nikoline has experience working with systems, bibliometric analysis and reporting from various Danish research and governmental institutions including developing bibliometric concepts, methods, and the internal ‘Research Analytics Platform’ at the Technical University of Denmark. -

Marija Rakas
Senior Analyst
Marija is a Senior Analyst in the NORA team. Marija has knowledge and research experience with innovation concepts, methods, measures and indicators in a national context, as well as experience with mapping and bibliometric analysis of specific research areas gained as part of her Phd studies and participation in external research projects. For the past 5 years Marija has been working in academia as a researcher within innovation studies with a focus on systems of innovation. -

Dicte Madsen
Senior Analyst
Dicte works as a Senior analyst in the NORA team. She has years of experience working with bibliometrics and research analytics. Dicte has been employed in different Danish research institutions, and brings extensive knowledge of CRIS systems, research meta data and data analysis across data sources to the NORA team. -

Polyxeni Makri
IT Coordinator
Polyxeni Makri (Xenia) is an IT Coordinator on the NORA team. She studied Software Engineering in Greece and earned her master’s degree at DTU in “Digital Media Engineering,” which provided her with valuable insights into big data harvesting, management, and visualization. With 7 years of experience as a software developer, she has also worked at the Royal Danish Library, gaining knowledge in bibliographic metadata and ideas on how IT can contribute to this field. -

Yang Shen
Data Engineer
Yang is a Data Engineer on the NORA Team. With 7-year's experience in machine learning, deep learning and algorithm design, Yang noticed how the cleanness and accuracy of data can make a difference in model performance, and developed a strong interest in data engineering and management. In the NORA Team, Yang wishes to test how his knowledge of programming and data curation/analysis can contribute to the development og Research Portal Denmark. -
IT Consultants
Vox Novitas
Franck Falcoz –
Ontocale –
Brian Lowe –
Dataverz –
Pedro Parraguez Ruiz –
Nelson Guaman –
IT Infrastucture
The IT-infrastructure of Research Portal Denmark is supported by Research IT, Department of IT Service, DTU.
Rasmus Lund-Hansen –
Claus Bube –
Tanja Falsig –
Data Providers
Danish Research Institutions
Danish Funders
Max Dumoulin –
DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals