In the Global Database, data is sourced from the three global commercial data providers: Clarivate (WoS), Digital Science (Dimensions) and Elsevier (Scopus and Scival).
We collect all publications with the country code Denmark dating from 2011 onwards
Data from all three data providers is imported around the 20th of each month. The subsequent steps involve processing, quality assurance and matching with the Local Data. New data typically accessible in the Global Database at the start of every other month. Data from the three global commercial data providers are imported using different methods:
- Monthly incremental XML data delivery of new and updated publication metadata from Web of Science citation database.
- Raw data and structured enhancements made by Clarivate, e.g. affiliations are delivered as a data dump
- Full import of data from 2011 onwards is carried out biannually to ensure that all metadata is updated.
Digital Science
- Publication metadata is imported from the Dimensions citation database.
- Monthly API imports of a complete dataset from 2011 onwards for all data types (publications, patents, clinical trials, grants, data sets and policy documents).
- Publications and patents are displayed in the Research Portal.
- Monthly incremental XML data delivery of new and updated publication metadata from Scopus and SciVal.
- Data are from the citation database Scopus, with additional information on affiliation from Elsevier’s internal affiliation database OrgDB, as well as topic and citation data from the analysis tool SciVal.
- Biannual comprehensive database update from 2011 onwards to ensure that all metadata is updated.
The Global Database serves as a unified entry point for cross-searching the three databases that are based on data from the global data providers in Research Portal Denmark. The service enables users to perform a single search and obtain a comprehensive overview.
Search publications related to Denmark from 2011 onwards:
- Across All Data – Search across data from all the global data providers. If you search “across all data”, filters and search results will display a union of data values from all three global databases.
or search specifically in:
- Clarivate Data (Web of Science)
- Digital Science Data (Dimensions)
- Elsevier Data (Scopus)
To get data ONLY from on of the global data providers in filters and search results.
A publication that is indexed in several of the global commercial data providers’ individual databases appears only once in the default search ‘Across All Data‘ in the Global Database. The different versions of publication metadata are gathered in one publication record, in a way where it is clearly visible which commercial data providers have contributed to the content.
By clicking on ‘Clarivate’, ‘Elsevier‘ and ‘Digital Science‘, respectively, you can see the publication record with the metadata we have obtained from the individual global data provider. There are also links back to the original source as well as the record with the commercial global data provider in the links section of the record.
The filter values in “Across all Data” contains data values from all data providers.
From your search results in the individual global databases; Clarivate Data, Elsevier Data and Digital Science Data in the Global Database you are able to download publication IDs from the global data providers (Eid, WoS ID, Dimensions ID). These IDs can be used for further processing in the respective data provider’s databases or analytical tools.
To ensure accurate identification and matching of publications across the data providers, a sophisticated matching algorithm which collates publication records from the three data providers has been developed. The algorithm is based on a series of fine-tuned rules that determine whether a publication is one and the same. These rules take into account various conditions, where especially metadata in the form of Persistent Identifiers (DOIs, PMIDs, ISSNs) play a pivotal role in this process.
Read more about the matching algorithm that connects publications in the database based on global data here in the technical documentation.
In to matching publications from the global data providers, publications from the Global Database are matched with the corresponding publication records in the Local Database and thus a link is established to and from the two databases – find this information on the individual publication record or in the filter ‘Matching Records in’ . Read more about this cross-cutting matching algorithm in the technical documentation.
NORA-Enhancements is a general term for standardised names used across all databases of Research Portal Denmark. Standardisation is done to ensure consistent and structured data, which makes it both easier to search and forms the basis for groupings of particular analytical interest.Metadata elements collected from various data providers often contain multiple and different name variants describing the same value.
In the Global Database, the following metadata elements are standardised (mapped or grouped):
Danish affiliations and groupings
All Danish affiliation names are mapped to one standardised name and fall under a specific grouping. For example, both ‘University of Copenhagen’ and ‘Copenhagen University’ are mapped to the standardised affiliation name ‘KU University of Copenhagen’ and categorised under the grouping ‘Universities’ (find these in the Danish Affiliations filter).
Collaborating countries/regions
The other countries with which Danish authors co-publish (collaboration countries) are grouped into regions of analytical interest. For example, ‘Norway’ is grouped into the regions ‘Europe’, ‘Non-EU’, ‘Nordic‘ and ‘OECD’ (find these in the Collaboration – Regions filter).
Subject classifications
The subject classifications from the various global data providers are mapped and enriched to appear consistent across the databases in Research Portal Denmark. In the Global Database the following subject classifications are standardised:
1. DK Main Research Areas
The Danish classification system DK Main Research Areas was developed in conjunction with Danish research indicators (BFI, OAI). It comprises only four categories that subdivide Danish research across broader domains: Science/Technology, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. Since this classification is specific to the national context, data from the three global commercial data providers are mapped to these categories through NORA enhancement.
2. DK Green Classification (currently exclusively integrated into the database based on Elsevier data)
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science Denmark (UFM) has established an overall definition of green research, development and innovation including seven subtopics to be used across UFM in strategies, analyses, surveys, mapping, monitoring and other initiatives in connection with the green transition. The database based on Elsevier Data has been enhanced with a DK Green Classification, which incorporates six out of the seven specified themes.
3. The UN’s global goals for sustainable development
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations are converted from the SGD categorization of the research publications provided by each of the three global data providers into NORA’s standardized names.
The OECD FORD subject classification, also referred to as Frascati, is converted from the categorization provided by three global data providers into the Fields of Research and Development (FORD) classification (2015). Consequently, the FORD classification serves as a standardised name format in the Global Database.
5. AU/NZ FoR
The Fields of Research (FoR) classification is one of the components of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research classification system (ANZSRC). FoR classifications from the three global data providers are mapped to FoR version 2.0 from 2020, which is consequently used as a standardised name form in the Global Database.
Open Access categories
The commercial global data provider’s different definitions of Open Access are mapped into six categories; All Open Access, Green, Golden, Golden-Hybrid, Free-to-Read, Indeterminate.
Read more about NORA-Enhancements in the technical documentation.
The Global Database has some challenges that are worth paying attention to:
- Data is collected in accordance with the definitions, structures, and registrations set by each individual commercial data provider.
- Discrepancies may arise in how these providers interpret Danish affiliations. For instance, certain providers may classify book chapters with Danish-affiliated editors as Danish contributions, whereas others may not recognize them as such.
In the Operation Status section, you can access a summary of current issues related to updates, such as problems with data harvesting.