Research Portal Denmark
About the Portal

In the NORA team, we are excited about presenting and communicating what Denmark’s Research Portal is all about and what you can use it for. We communicate through Events hosted by NORA. In addition, you can meet us at conferences, workshops etc. where we regularly present Research Portal Denmark, NORA presentations.

NORA presentations

2. May 2024


Nikoline Dohm Lauridsen og Karen Hytteballe Ibanez presented the Research Portal Denmark at PID Fest 11.-13. June 2024. Read more about the event here.


18. June 2024

Interview with Mogens Sandfær by Jo Brand About Research Portal Denmark – Portal med al dansk forskning til alle (in Danish).

Events hosted by NORA

21. March 2024

Research Portal Denmark is officially launched at a 1-day conference. In addition to the launch, the conference will explore broader trends within the themes of research information, infrastructures, evaluations, and assessments – with a particular focus on open data, systems, and initiatives, nationally as well as internationally. Read more here.